It is imperative everyone know builders are not required to carry general liability insurance by the Homebuilders Licensure Board.   

It is equally important for everyone to know there is no state license or insurance requirement for subcontractors either.  

Any builder that hesitates to provide you with liability insurance certificate sent directly from their insurance agent that lists your name should be avoided at all costs.  The same applies for all of their subcontractors too.  Any legitimately insured builder can provide you with these certificates with a single phone call to their insurance agency.  

Unless you are buying a house in a city or county that requires a builder and subcontractors to provide the inspection department with a certificate of valid liability insurance, most do not.  

Before you contract with a builder, we strongly recommend you verify that they have a current license on the HBLB website and obtain certificates of liability insurance directly from their insurance agents for not only your builder but also each subcontractor they hire.